Little World Travelers Enrichment Class
Little World Travelers is an enrichment program where we go on an adventure around the world (from our classroom) and you can too! Craft instructions to follow.
(If you are a parent of a child in my class already, hop to the bottom of this page).

We explore different landscapes, languages, architecture, customs, traditions, animal life and more from all 7 continents. Every class begins with a short National Geographic youtube video, then followed by a crafting session to cement the information, because connecting words with hands-on activities helps their little brains create stronger neuro-pathways. We also play games, to incorporate body movement with language in learning words and phrases in different languages.
For our first lesson we made suitcases and passports to get ready for our trip!

Now for the passports. Due to the many children in my class and the limited time I prepared these at home and gave them to the children to decorate further and play with, if you are making it with 1-3 children you can assemble them together. Access the Canva passport template here. Take a picture of your child, measure their height and plug it into the template, then print it out (using the setting of 2 copies/pages per sheet will give you the right sizing), I added some blank pages, and used a piece of blue card stock for the cover, stapled it all together along the folded edge and voila, we had play passports 🙂 I also brought in one of my expired passports to show the children for reference. All of them knew about passports already, but getting to actually touch and flip through one was new for many of them.
For our class I made stickers for each continent we went to, these were printed on Avery Label Stickers, you can download them here. Each class after we had “visited” the continent they would all get a sticker in their passport, this was always an exciting time for the kids and we got to go over what we had learned about the continent that day. I kept the passports and brought them in every time, they took them home on the last day.

European monuments and sites sun catcher. This is an easy and low mess craft with lots of learning. Using contact paper, this European printout I made, card stock for the frame, and tissue paper for the background. The children enjoyed ripping the paper and finding spots to place it. The stickiness of contact paper is just right, intriguing for little fingers but doesn’t leave any sticky residue.
For Asia we talked about the lunar new year and how we are now in the year of the dragon. We watched a short clip about the lunar new year celebrations and noticed the large dragon puppets carried by many people. Then we made our own small version of it. Folding card stock accordion or “fan” style helps build handwriting muscles and coordination, using the right amount of glue for the sides to stick together and not fall apart is a big learning curve too. As the children completed their craft we had our own little parade around the classroom.

For 8 sessions we visited new places and learned about those places and had lots of fun. the kids learned how to say “Bonjour” and “Ni-Hao”, they learned that kangaroos can jump really far (up to 45 feet), so when all the kids stood next to each other the kangaroo would be able to jump that far – our paper cup kangaroos got pretty far too.

If you live near West Palm Beach and would you like to sign up your child for Little World Travelers, we are starting a Saturday class in collaboration with Systema Floyd.
For more information and to sign up to a class please reach out to or through Instagram.
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